Welcome to the website of TheBoaters
Every visitor or user of our website must read and carefully study the following terms of use before visiting or using the pages and in case of disagreement, must not use them. Otherwise, it is presumed that he/she expressly and unconditionally accepts them and gives his/her consent. The following terms of use apply to the entire content of our website.

Terms of Use
TheBoaters makes every effort to ensure that the content and information appearing on its website is as accurate and true as possible, but it bears no responsibility for its reliability, completeness or timeliness. Anything provided to users/visitors through our website does not constitute in any case, directly or indirectly, an encouragement, advice or solicitation to perform any action, but is at the discretion of users/visitors to evaluate what is provided to them and to act based on their private will, excluding any liability on our part. The user/visitor who uses the services of our website is obliged to do so in accordance with the law, morality and these terms and not to engage in acts or omissions that may cause damage to the operation of the website or to the intellectual property rights of third parties.

TheBoaters makes every effort to ensure the proper functioning of its website, without guaranteeing that its operations or those of the servers hosting it will be uninterrupted or without any kind of error, free of viruses or other similar elements. TheBoaters shall not be liable for any form of damage of any kind that may occur from the use of this website including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, accidental and consequential.

Intellectual and industrial property rights
Apart from the expressly mentioned exceptions (copyright of third parties, partners and institutions, as well as the intellectual property of the source code, which belongs to the company that has built the website), all the content of the website, including all the files of this website, constitute intellectual property, registered trademarks and service and product trademarks of TheBoaters and are protected according to the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions.

Personal Data
This Privacy Policy covers all personal data of visitors/users collected by TheBoaters during their visit and use of the services and pages of the www.TheBoaters.gr websites. Given the nature and volume of the Internet, under any circumstances, including the case of negligence on the part of the user, TheBoaters shall not be liable for any form of damage suffered by the visitor/user of the pages, options and contents of TheBoaters which he/she undertakes on his/her own initiative and with knowledge of the terms hereof.

Applicable law
The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor/user of the services of www.TheBoaters.gr is subject to the terms of this section as well as the relevant provisions of Greek law (Law 2472/1997) for the protection of the individual and the protection of personal data as supplemented by the decisions of the President of the Personal Data Protection Authority, Decree Laws 207/1998 and 79/2000 and Article 8 of Law 2819/2000 as well as Law 2774/1999 and European law (Directives 95/46/EC and 97/66/EC). The present conditions are formulated taking into account both the rapid development of technology, and in particular the Internet, and the existing legal framework on these issues. In any case, TheBoaters reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data after informing visitors/users and within the existing or potential legal framework. If a visitor/user does not agree with the terms of protection of personal data provided herein, he/she must not use the services of www.TheBoaters.gr

Collection and use of Data
Personal data is collected by TheBoaters when the visitor/user registers for its services. When the visitor/user registers at www.TheBoaters.gr the information requested is as follows: First name, Last name, Email address (e-mail). TheBoaters uses the above data for the informational support of its users and the selection of content that offers them information about new activities of TheBoaters

TheBoaters will not sell, rent or in any way publish and/or disclose the personal data of visitors/users of www.TheBoaters.gr to any third party.

Correction and/or deletion of personal data
Users/members may, in accordance with Law 2472/97, delete their personal data, correct and/or update their personal data and/or inactivate their registration at any time by simply visiting the relevant service of www.TheBoaters.gr

No personal data is requested for the participation of the visitor/user in a vote conducted by www.TheBoaters.gr. The visitor’s/user’s vote is recorded solely for the purpose of drawing conclusions in relation to the position of public opinion on a certain issue. The votes and their results are the intellectual property of TheBoaters
“Links” to other sites

www.TheBoaters.gr includes links (“links”) to other websites (sites) which are not controlled by the same but by third parties (natural or legal persons). Under no circumstances is TheBoaters responsible for the Privacy Policy of visitors/users that these entities follow.


Read before you sign the solemn statement!

Requirements to Rent a Boat

We suggest that you take the time to review the Rental Boat Terms and Conditions of Use prior to making your reservation. When you pick up your boat, you will be required to sign a solemn statement that you understand and agree. Because of the length and complexity we suggest that you read them in advance, so when you come to pick up your boat it will be quick and easy.

In order to be allowed to rent a boat you must be over 18 as evidenced by a valid passport or other official ID. You must be physically able to perform the tasks involved in the safe operation of a boat and our staff must be able to communicate with you enough to insure that you understand the rental agreement and safe operation of the boat. We reserve the right to refuse to rent to anyone when our staff feels that you are not capable of safely operating our boats or of understanding the terms of the rental agreement. Customers must also have an operational cellular phone on board and must leave it on, so that TheBoaters can contact them for emergencies or to report weather information.

Rental Boat Terms and Conditions of Use

Equipment is not to be taken outside of prescribed operation area. You must keep 500m away from the shore. Refer to maps for approved operation area. Boats have GPS locators so we know where you are at all times.

Boats are intended for use by the certified number and weight of passengers and gear. Do not overload boats; you will be fined by Hellenic Coast Guard. When loading people and gear on boats, try to evenly distribute weight both side-to-side and front to back. This will make for safer operation and insure that the bow does not plow through large waves that you may encounter

The Renter and the other passengers are obliged to obey all the laws and Regulations of the Hellenic Coast Guard. You are personally responsible for any damage to our boats, other boats or other property caused by your violation of safe boating regulations.

It is illegal for boat operators to consume alcohol or drugs of any kind regardless of the degree of impairment.
Renters who are known to be drinking alcohol will be refused the use of a boat. If you have a reservation but are obviously intoxicated, you will be refused a boat and charged for the cancellation.

Equipment must be returned on time.

Any and all damage to the equipment that is caused as a result of the renter’s operation or oversight is the sole responsibility of the renter. Do not leave boats unattended.

The renter is responsible for being aware of currents and winds. Do not beach boats or allow boats to become beached by wakes or changing winds.

Boats are to be returned relatively clean and in the same condition as they were when you took them out. Inspect the boat carefully before taking it out because you will be charged for any new damage upon your return to the TheBoaters.

You are not allowed to let anyone other than the primary renter use or operate the boat. Anyone who may be serving as an operator needs to be identified and to sign this agreement. If you do allow anyone else to use the boat you are entirely personally responsible for any damage that they cause to our boat or to other persons or properties.

All operators must have a cell phone on board and we must have this number.
Do not attempt to locate or disable GPS locator on boats, these are placed there for your safety and convenience.
Be extra careful of shallow water! switch off engine and move away immediately
Pets are allowed on boats but owners must clean up after their pets or the clean up fee will be charged. Owners are responsible for any damage caused by pets.

Prohibited uses: Customers may not use boats for any use not intended by manufacturer. In addition, customers shall not use the boat in any of the following manners:
a. In any type of race or competitive event
b. For any illegal purpose or in an illegal manner
c. To carry any type of hazardous or explosive substance
d. To push or tow any other watercraft or tubes, skis or other water toys
e. After dusk or during the night
f. To carry loads beyond stated capacity
g. In a reckless, abusive or negligent manner
h. By any person consuming alcohol or drugs
i. If further use may cause damage to boat or motor (warning light or buzzer on)
j. In violation of the terms and conditions of this agreement in any way
k. Outside of approved use area

In no event shall customer sub-lease boat to another person or entity. Customer’s rights under this agreement are non-transferable.

If watercraft is obtained by fraud or misrepresentation, is used for an illegal purpose or in violation of these conditions in any way, all rights to the use of the watercraft are revoked and subsequent use is without owner’s permission. In any such case, TheBoaters has the right to immediately repossess the boat and keep all rental fees and charge customer for any damage to boat.

If any provision of this agreement is found to be void, invalid or unenforceable, such finding shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other part of this agreement.

This agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and shall supersede all other agreements, either oral or written, with respect to the same. This agreement is binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties.

Any dispute between me and TheBoaters, which cannot be amicably solved, shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Kavala, Greece.

Fees and Fines for Violation of Terms & Conditions:

Boat damage fees

Boat damage by beaching boat
€100 fine for beaching boat on rocks plus additional fee of €150 if we have to send someone to pick you up and free boat.

Propeler and engines foot damage
There is a €200 fee for propeller damage that is too expensive to be rebuilt. Ability to rebuild propeller or not is to be determined by our Staff.
Any boats known to have been run aground or beached in sand (we can tell from the paint loss on propellers) will be charged €100 for removal of lower unit.
If you destroy the engines foot damage cost is €1500.

Anchor loss

There is a €200 fee in case of anchor loss.

Fines for the violation of Terms & Conditions

A €100 fee will be charged for operation out of approved area (refer to map) and a €150 additional fee will be charged if we have to send a representative to assist you with a problem when you are outside of operation area.

For damage to fiberglass, cushions, cowlings, electronics, etc. you will be charged actual cost of parts.

Extra Boat Insurance: This 30hp boat can be insured for damage over 300€ for an additional and optional cost of 20€/day. This can be decided on the day of the rental.

The propeler, the engine’s foot and the anchor do not have insurance coverage.

Modification of the excursion route

The company reserves the right to modify the excursion route due to bad weather.

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